Internet Banner Advertising Exchanges
BannersGoMLM.com: This is the place to go for FREE 1:1 banner advertising! Once you join (IT'S FREE TO JOIN!), every time someone clicks one of the banners you display on your site, you will have your banner shown on someone else's site. You can choose the categories of sites you would like your banner(s) displayed, so your banners are "targeting" your ad on sites that make sense to you and your business. You decide which and how many pages you would like to display ads. Each time a visitor clicks a banner on your site, the site opens in a new window, so you never lose a viewer. In addition, you can exclude "competitor ads" from being displayed on your site. What are you waiting for? This is FREE advertising for your site!
Affiliate Programs:
Groundbreak.com: Specializing in affiliate and internet advertising, groundbreak.com offers scripts that can track affiliate sales, rotate ad banners on your site, send out auto-responders and more. Reasonably priced, these scripts can enhance your online sales by promoting advertising through affiliates giving you the ability to sell, rotate and track ad space on your site. We use the Ultimate Affiliate program on our sister site, http://jytcheckprinting.com, to promote JYT's Your Check Printing software!
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